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- Principals Message
- Birthday Messages
- Star Of The Week
- Grade 6 Camp
- Wellington Division Swimming Carnival
- Green Team
- Resilience
- School Photos - Tuesday 1st April
- Easter Bonnet Parade
- ** UPDATED** Lunch Order Form
- P&F Hot Cross Buns
- 2025 School Fees
- 2025 School Savings Bonus (SSB)
- Upcoming Events
- Parish News
- Open Night - Maffra Secondary College
- Creative Arts Exhibition
Dear families,
Last week I was lucky enough to attend the grade 5-6 Melbourne camp. This camp is such a great experience for our students, not only visiting some amazing venues but also experiencing life in the city, catching trams and navigating the hustle and bustle of the CBD during peak hour! Our students tremendously represented our school, showing respect, manners and kindness to everyone we met. We had compliments about their behaviour almost everywhere we went. Hats off to Mrs Stobie, Mr Sandeman, Gerard and Mrs Wilson for supporting and supervising the students throughout camp, although it is fun, it is extremely tiring making sure we don’t lose anyone in the city.
This week the grade 3’s and 5’s began NAPLAN testing. Throughout the next week they will sit assessments for writing, numeracy, spelling, vocabulary and reading. Although this can be a stressful time for students, we try to make it as relaxing and calm as possible. The students are reassured that they just need to try their best. This is only one piece of information that of many that we use to understand student growth. As a school NAPLAN data is used to analyse growth trends of the students over years to see where teachers are having their greatest impact in key learning areas.
I wanted to lastly highlight the huge amount of work that Mrs Chloe Orchard does to organise all the sporting events that our students partake in. She has just finished weeks of organisation for all the different swimming that has taken place and now is beginning to organise cross country for a few weeks time. Thank you Chloe, the students, staff and parents appreciate the wonderful experiences you help to create for our community.
Have a great weekend with your families.
Kind regards,

To celebrate student's achievements, we will be presenting children with Star Of The Week awards. This is a self nominated award of something a student is proud of. It could be something academic, sports related, or a personal achievement. Have you learnt to ride a bike? Won 1st place in a dance competition? Read a book by yourself? Anything that makes you proud!
Forms can be found on the link below.
Urban Camp Newsletter Write-Up
Two weeks ago all the Grade 5/6 students went to Urban Camp in Melbourne. It was really fun and we got to go to lots of interesting and awesome places. Whilst at camp we went to Scienceworks, MSAC, MCG, Australian Sports Museum, Social Fair, The Old Melbourne Gaol and Bounce. Another highlight of the camp was taking public transport, especially during peak hour. It certainly was a new experience for most students! Overall the camp was a fantastic experience for all students and teachers.
By Anushka Hollingsworth
Student Highlights
My favourite part of Urban Camp was the Old Melbourne Gaol. I loved the goal because of the creepy ghost stories, Ned Kelly's story and how the whole place had no electricity! I also liked that the bottom floors were where the prisoners that didn't listen went to get whipped. The prisoners that were good and listened all the time went to the top floors, where there were other people to talk to.
My favourite ghost story was that there used to be a man that stood in the corner of the gaol’s courtyard. When prison guards, cleaners or maintenance workers went and tapped it on the ghost’s shoulder, it would turn around, smile and disappear! A few years later they dug up an old pipe in the direction the ghost was looking and they found a skeleton of a human and then the ghost was never seen again.
By Lockie Gallatly
My favourite activity at camp was MSAC. I loved the wave pool and the diving boards. I also enjoyed the MCG and was amazed to hear that famous artists pay up to 5 million dollars to book the MCG. I also loved seeing all the coaches boxes, the locker rooms and press conference areas.
By Chevy McMahon
My favorite part was the Old Melbourne Gaol because I loved hearing about Ned Kelly and all the criminals' stories.
By Mack Howard
I liked the MCG because we got to go in the coaches boxes and the club rooms where the AFL players warm up before the game.
By Anastasia Dwyer
My favourite part of camp was going to the MCG. I loved the MCG because we got to get a tour at the museum, superboxes, club rooms, ice baths and change rooms. It was an amazing experience and so fun.
By Elke Horsford
Wellington Division Swimming Carnival
A huge congratulations to our 9 students, Luella Horsford, Ably Bramich, Owen Crutchfield, Lexi Lawless, Bay Oldham, Milla Battista, Jimmy Stobie, Freddie Moyle and Henry Horsford who participated in the Wellington Division Swimming today in Sale. All 9 students did an absolutely amazing job representing our school. Luella came 3rd in freestyle and 4th in breaststroke, Alby came 3rd in freestyle and 2nd in backstroke and breaststroke, Owen came 4th in backstroke, our boys relay team came in 4th and our girls relay team came in 2nd. Alby and the girls relay team will now move on to Regionals next week representing our school.
I would also like to congratulate Ben Murphy, Elke Horsford, Mack Howard, Stella Simpson, Max Roberts, Hadley Parer, Harper Lee, Chevy McMahon and Emily Murphy who also made it on to Wellington Swimming today but could not attend as they are on camp.
Well done everyone!
- Chloe Orchard (P.E. Teacher)
School Photos - Tuesday 1st April
School Photos 2025 – St Mary’s Primary School
Annual school photos will be taken at St Mary’s Primary School on Tuesday April 1st, 2025. Students are required to wear full summer uniform (includes new or old uniform).
We welcome our school community to our annual Easter Bonnet Parade held on our basketball court. This will be on the last day of term, Friday 4th April. Our students will parade around the court and show off creations they have made at home. Please note, students do not make their bonnets at school.
Please find below an updated 'School Lunch Order Menu' for 2025. This new update has only been received this week. A paper copy will be sent home today with the eldest child in each family.
Please note 2025 school fees have been issued via email. Please check your spam.
Thank you.
2025 School Savings Bonus (SSB)
The School Savings Bonus is a State Government initiative designed to assist
families with cost-of-living pressures. Under this funding, each eligible student is
entitled to a $400 bonus for application towards activity levies and uniform purchases
from approved supplier. Within our school, all CSEF applicants are eligible to receive
this funding. All families who have a Centrelink Health Care Card and have not
applied for CSEF in the past are encouraged to contact the school office and initiate
an application this year. Please refer to the below link for more information:
15th | Maffra Mardi Gras |
18th | Reconciliation Parent-Child Workshop 3:30pm-4:30pm |
12th-24th | NAPLAN testing |
21st | Ride to School Day |
21st | Assembly 2:45pm |
26th-27th |
Grade 3/4 Forest Lodge Camp |
28th | 10:45am Reconciliation |
1st | School Photos |
2nd | Grade 3/4 Hoop Time (TBC) |
3rd | Grade 5/6 Art Excursion |
4th | Easter Bonnet Parade |
4th | Assembly 2:45pm |
4th | Students last day for term 1 |
** Please go to our school website for the full year of calendar dates.
Saturday 6:00pm
Sunday 9:00am
1st and 3rd Sunday 11:00am
2nd and 4th Sunday 11:00am
5th Sunday 12:00noon
Tuesday 9:30am
Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 9:30am
Thursday 5:30pm